Sunday, November 26

Day three of post As: desperate hsewives 2 episodes in the morning, meetup with the SA gang (and me feeling rather left out cos i was the only non-saint!), Bridge+Big2 at the foodcourt with bubbletea, run to the busstop to catch the same bus as Cel+Vk,
SURPRISE!!!,Subway dinner and me rushing to munch up everything, HILLSONGS! (which is incredibly awesome), drumming at the arcade (4 people, 4 drumsticks.. and we passed!)

Celeste +the stage (the photo's illegal!)

Group shots (the very selectively chosen pictures.. SURPRISE.)
shimmershone updated (friends only.)
So I look to You, no one else will do.
I know You love me, I know You die for me.
I know You care.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Saturday, November 25
My day in a pictorial form:

For it in a wordy form, in my livejournal, click
here. (hey im sparing you the eyesores and the massive amounts of pictures!)
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Friday, November 24
shimmershonePost for the day above,click on the link.
To the person who is missing from this picture, happy bday in advanced!
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Wednesday, November 22
I think I will miss everyone.
Very much.
Will it be like
Secondary4? Where we all promised come hell and high water we'd stick together as a class like some cohesive bond and maintain our class spirit, exchange hugs and embraces and whispering '
i love yous' on the last day of school, or rather everytime we had the change to say that, but come J2, how many people actually turned up for
4/6 day? In our little mini groups how many people actually made the effort to stay in touch? How many? I hate uncertainties. If it's one thing that's certain, its that I will miss everyone..
There’s still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There’s still a little bit of you laced with my doubtIt’s still a little hard to say what's going onThere’s still a little bit of your ghost your witness
There’s still a little bit of your face i haven't kissed
You step a little closer each dayThat i can’t say what's going onStones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lieLife, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonball& tomorrow, at 9:16am, it'll be cries of jubilation, and instead of saying
after the A's i want to blah blah blah, I can go,
eh tomorrow/next week/next month/next year go and blah blah blah leh! Coolness.
Why do i love you dont even want to.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Tuesday, November 21
Phase two, do you start now?
Wise words from CK the great: Eva Green is called Eva Green cos she has green eyes.
So what if she was born with blue eyes?Then she's called Eva Blue lor!
Blue's her surname!Embarassing moments at toysRus, casino royale.
2 MCQ papers.
End quick Bio. highly suspect next year, I will still like Daniel Radcliffe. British actors have nice eyes (like Agent 007 and Radcliffe) and sexy accents! Whoppeeee.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Monday, November 20

Look at that:
edc&vincy. Seems like Edison Chen's really really serious this time! Check out his
yo yo yo! fo shizzle ma nizzle blog
here. Takes quite abit to understand it anyw. Anyways, I realised an 80gb iPod is like.. too big! (memoryspace wise!) I can hardly use 15gb of mine.
Bio option is over.Well, I can't say my Bio papers have been wonderful all these while, but all these while I know my God is right beside me always, and no matter how screwed up my option structured was, He has a plan for me. Everyth is in His hands and I am not afraid of anything. One more to go. Somehow it isnt all that exciting anymore. Imagine life without studying.. its so, aimless. In the sense that you dont have a goal, a target anymore. Must. Preoccupy. Myself. With. Things.
And I'm almost over you. (brings back memories from Meteorgarden.)

Family of Friends(: --somethings never change.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Sunday, November 19

Hooray! S L E E K white, no more shaky photos,longer battery life! Say hello to sony cybershot t10! pink was outta stock so I settled for white cos black's nt really matching w the ipod and the mac! Now everything I have is white. & the most perfect thing?its just in time for post As madness and HK! Now Mickey and Minnie will be seen as 2 mouses, not 4. Cannon+my shakey hands will make them quadraplets man.
Can. Not. Wait. 17 more hours.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Friday, November 17
How can I say when my words ever dry
How can I smile with the tear in my eye
Summer's so lost with raining in June
That's how it feels when I'm missing you
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Thursday, November 16
There's a place called Ocean Avenue,
Where I used to sit and talk with you,
we were both 16 and it felt so right,
sleeping all day staying up all night..
I want sleepovers with Rach so we can talk about everything we missed about each other and whatever times we didnt go out when we should have for 5 years. I want to stay up all night (with the help of coffee!) and just laugh over ridiculous things that we did in primary school with the decemberers and yours truly, the outcast. Watch goong and oogle at Shin cos we both think that he's such a hottie and ultimately sweet, unlike lu. We can laze around till the late mornings after a night full of OC, where we will (predicting here!) both love Seth Cohen cos he is, afterall,
the love.Shopping at
Vivo, mind games, lunches and
movies, catching up sessions with whomever I should catch up with, taking my mind off books for a while, Children's ministry,
sun sand sea moments with those beach-goers, class outings (?),
shopping, Disney!!!, Desperate housewives +lost +OC4 +all other possible watchable shows.
LIFE IS SO UNFAIR. &studying option ain't nice at all. I flipped open my book to chapter 4: Sexual Reproduction. First few pages: the male anatomy. I fell asleep. Wow, now tell me how I'm going to continue with the rest with plants and menstruation cycles and the entire book!
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Wednesday, November 15

and erase all the pain from my
brain and my heart.its like youre so foreign now, why.
thanks bestf for the chat on the bus.
fossilfuel b&j for dinner is just...
awesome<32 more papers-- bio bio, why are you always last.
IMAGINE: walking down this lane with false snow on your head, getting the entire christmassy atmosphere, with nicely lit up christmas trees and catchy carols (no matter hw many times i hear them i still absolutely adore them!) played, with mickey and minnie and the other disney characters posing for pictures! ohmygooodddnesss i cannot wait:):):):):):)
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Sunday, November 12

Brings back memories! Look at Mrs Ting! Okay mug econs dude.

there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Saturday, November 11

Adam Brody/Seth Cohen is ultimately
still the most charming/witty/charismatic guy on Earth (at least so far.) And to watch on youtube that summer and him, the most perfect couple IMO are drifting hurts! It's like I'm summer. I WISH. If I were summer, I'd never have gone to brown. (no one knws what im talking about.) Adam is the love :D and in season4 the entire crew is messed up. Marissa being gone is just different. Its like the entire sparkle's gone. But Summer, being summer, is still cute. "
Chicken lovers of the world unite!" (she's a hardcore environmentalist now.) Another guy goes:
"Hey I love chicken nuggets!" She goes:
"It's people like you who cause chickens to be unable to freely fly!" Guy goes:
"Chickens dont fly!" Summer is emocrap though, still. But Taylor's kinda funny, and SETH COHEN IS TOO. Sigh. It's so hard to explain Mr Cohen.
& I found the lovelist beach on Earth that I want to visit one day, Laguna Beach in the O.C, talking about that I do want to watch the reality show too. Sigh too many shows, too little time. Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, Lost S3, OC S4.

there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Wednesday, November 8

This is love! Miss you ash.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Saturday, November 4


(note the 2nd imagine is slightly thinner cos ash and i are going to run,right!?)
19 more days baby!
"eh i think we talk for very long already leh!"
"wait i go check.. 40minutes."
"HUH 40minutes??! that's damn long la!"We're not going to let Starhub and M1 tear us apart.All the love in the world.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.
Thursday, November 2

More pictures, especially loved ytd and today's episode.
Gp down.
there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.